packages delivered!

On March 30, I had plans to travel to Ethiopia. As always, I was beyond excited to visit all the students and staff at Ekklesia, consume too many macchiatos to count, and participate on my very first medical mission (nope… I don’t have any medical knowledge but AgapeMED assured me I would be utilized).

Unfortunately, as you might have guessed, plans were interrupted - not just for me but for everyone - all around the world. COVID-19 has entered in and wreaked havoc on our world.

It is so easy to look at all the things that have come with this shut down. There are a lot of hard things. But in the midst of challenging times, I am so encouraged when I see people loving others. And that is just what Ekklesia Academy was able to do on Tuesday. Because of our sponsors/donors, Ekklesia was able to purchase sanitation and food supplies for each of the 348 students who attend the school. Parents were then invited to come in to receive the gifts - something to help out in this difficult time. We are so grateful for Sister Almaz and the staff at Ekklesia Academy and how they cared for the students and their families!

As I reflect on this event, I am reminded of what James said… “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God our Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” In another version, it says “to look after the orphans and widows in their distress…”

Thanks to all of you for doing just that - continuing to look after those in need - here and in Ethiopia.

Regina Kehl1 Comment