disc golfing

On Saturday, our family went out disc golfing. A few of us played and a few walked along. I was one of the latter.

As I was walking one of the greens, watching every step and gingerly making my way on the uneven ground, everyone came to a halt when we we were interrupted by a loud thump. Something was hit. Rather, someone was hit. That someone was me! Yep… I was hit with a disc golf, right below my collar bone. Didn’t even see it coming! Thankfully it didn’t make its way any higher - no tooth was lost, no eye was blackened!

But as I reflect, I am also reminded of something else that has struck me lately.

I have, like many of you, have a little more down time than normal. And the thing I find myself reflecting on most is how I choose to spend my time. Perusing social media. Binge watching Netflix. Playing games on my phone. Online “window” shopping. Thinking about tomorrow… about this summer… about 2020… wondering if I will get to go anywhere or do anything this year without a mask! I have also had more time to reflect and read and rest. You name it… I have had more time for it.

But what has struck me more than anything, is what is needed most during this time of uncertainty. In a time where people have lost jobs or cannot work, where some are overworked, where our economy is struggling and people are losing money they have been saving for years, a time where people who need to get out of situations, can’t, because they have no where to go, a time where people cannot get married the way they planned and where people are dying alone… here is what hit me… there is one thing - only one - that everyone needs above all other things… Jesus. Our world gets consumed with money and worldly possessions and worldly ideas - trying to fit into the world.

But Jesus doesn’t want us to fit into the world; he wants us to stand out in the world. Not for ourselves but for him.

So as I reflect, I ask myself the question… how is it going, Regina? How are you standing out in the world for Jesus? How are you sharing him to the world? How are you sharing His love? Are you living a life that reflects God’s one and only son, who was given for the world - for you?

Our world needs Jesus. Now. It always has and it always will.

And we, as Jesus followers, have the honor and privilege of making him known to the world with our words and our actions. This is our most important assignment. Let’s make him known in our families, with our friends, in our workplaces, at the grocery store… everywhere.

Who is with me?

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