the team and the children

We had a great time hanging out and teaching the kindergarten students – KG1, KG2, and KG3. Wondering why there are three kindergarten classes? KG1 and KG2 are like our preschool and KG3 is kindergarten. What fun it was to be in the classrooms with the “littles” as we called them! They enjoyed coloring and learning about Zacchaeus and playing Bingo with Fruity Cheerios.


Amy and Karen conducted a First Aid training to the Ekklesia leadership team on some of the common issues at the school (small abrasions, cuts, fainting) and how to handle various situations. It was great seeing the staff so engaged and taking notes. They asked great questions and really have a desire to best equip themselves so they can help the students.

Every team member, if they weren’t in an organized activity, could be found sitting with the children outside, playing hand games, learning Amharic and Orimiffa (the two languages spoken at the school), entering into the classrooms and learning alongside the children, and receiving and giving lots of hugs and kisses. Joyce, Johanna, and Miriam could always be found surrounded by children, visiting a classroom, or getting to know the families of their sponsored children!


That evening we had a surprise baby shower for one of our past hosts. She was completely surprised and overwhelmed by the generosity of people she had met on previous trips.

 As I watched her and how moved she was by people thinking of her, I was once again reminded how important relationships are and how deep they run. I am grateful to God for allowing us the opportunity to be partnering in Ethiopia. I have learned so much here and pray I will always take what I learn and apply it where God has planted me.

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