macchiatos or smoothies?

The team arrived in Addis yesterday.

If you asked any one of us at any given point of the day, what day it was, I am not sure we would have been able to answer. Getting up and getting to the airport at 3:30am and arriving at 8am the next day in Addis seems like it is all the same day, yet you have been awake for some 25 hours. One’s brain tends to be foggy and confused.

We did try our best to stay awake with macchiatos (and smoothies), a trip to the Zoma Museum, a walk, and dinner out. Some of the things worked… but only temporarily. We arrived back at the guesthouse around 6:30pm and everyone disappeared… I am not sure who made it up longer than me (7:30pm). I am, however, regretting that decision… it is now 11:29pm and I am WIDE AWAKE. The upside - the internet is all mine. ;)

We are heading off to church in the morning and looking forward to our worship time together.

And if you haven’t checked us out on social media, don’t miss yesterday’s post! We want to see your vote…

Note… if something is off in this post, please excuse the jet lagged brain. As the week progresses, so should my thought process. ;)

Regina KehlComment