Appreciating the Simple Things - A Guest Blog by Natosha Fuller

Natosha Fuller --- Wednesday 27, 2015 --- Ethiopia 2015


I have just come to the realization that we have way more than we need. And we still complain about it. We take so much for granted. I woke up this morning and the power was out. But that’s normal. It comes on, it goes off, and people still live happily. We blew bubbles with some children today and they were so happy. It’s the simple things in life here.  And I love that. 

It’s crazy. It makes me realize how spoiled we are. It’s not like we are better off than they are. They just live differently. We met this lady and her family and went to her house. She told us that she and her husband and three kids live there. And it was just a room. Like the size of a dining room. And I started to feel bad. Not really for them but because back in November/December I was complaining that my parents were living in my two bedroom apartment with my sister and me.