thinking out loud

For those of you who know me, you know it is next to impossible for me to think "in my head."  I think everything - out loud!  Sometimes it would be better for me to think in my head, mull it around in there, and then share.  I will try.  

And, I tend to write like a 4th grader.  I spent much time teaching writing to my 3rd and 4th grade students years ago.  I can probably still spit out a narrative, expository, persuasive, or creative piece - at a 4th grade level.  This will probably not change.

So as I carefully think out loud in this blog, please enjoy the youthfulness of the heartwarming stories of new relationships being built with our US community and the children in Sendafa, Ethiopia. 

 Our prayer...

Faith will be shared.  Hope will be offered.  Love will be exchanged.                                                And ultimately, lives will be transformed.  

Enjoy thinking out loud.

Christine DarbyComment