guest blog by joyce kehl

It's the song of the redeemed rising from the African plain. It's the song of the forgiven drowning out the Amazon rain. The song of Asian believers filled with God's holy fire. It's ev'ry tribe, ev'ry tongue, ev'ry nation; a love song born of a grateful choir. It's all God's children singing, "Glory, glory, hallelujah! He reigns, He reigns!" It's all God's children singing, "Glory, glory, hallelujah! He reigns, He reigns!"

The words to this song sing in my heart as I think of my trip to Africa. Last year I came not knowing what to expect and found a nation of the most wonderful people with hearts for God.  Sure I saw lots of things that broke my heart, but God showed me these things for a reason. Some I am still not sure about, but he is slowly revealing through his word the purpose of my trip.

This year I came excited to see the new land developed, the new school, the new little kiddos, how much the kids had grown, and to receive their love again. And receive it I did! Wow! Their smiles, Genzebe walking, their hugs, the smiling faces of the staff, the singing, the failures (as I saw them) all warmed my heart. God has shown me that even though things did not work as we planned it was not a failure—anything done in love cannot fail.

I was impressed that they remembered the stories of last year, they remembered our faces, and they remembered our love. I saw hope in the cleaner faces, I saw love in the staff members and their love for Sister Almaz and her love for them. I saw the pride in a crop planted, harvested, and waiting for use. I saw a garden planted with hopes that did not materialize because of the drought. I saw a home for animals being built together by them and us. I saw exchanges of cultural differences.  Most of all I saw GOD!

God gave us a choir of children and sing we did from the African plain!  “Glory, glory , hallelujah!  God reigns!"

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