one small thing... part one
As we meet more and more sponsors, the one question we are asked above all else is, "What can I send to my sponsor child?" We hear people who want to send something notable, something meaningful, something the child would love and cherish forever and be reminded that someone cares deeply about them.
Let me ask you, what is poverty? (Stay with me here. I promise - I will bring these two topics together!) I really want you to stop and reflect on this question, what is poverty?
After thoughtful consideration, are any of the following answers floating around in your mind?
lack of money
poor living conditions
lack of food
few opportunities
poor education
lack of resources
If you asked someone who is poor how they would describe poverty, do you know what they would say?
depend on everyone
not needed
feel ashamed
not well
no say in public
feel inferior
not able to be heard
never satisfied
will always be poor
their destiny
So, when we are asked, "What one thing can I give that would be meaningful - meaningful to someone who lives in poverty? Our answer is this...
the love of Christ through words of encouragement
Your letters are most likely the single most important thing you can give - letters of love and encouragement, the building up of a child, their family, and in turn their community - letters are simply priceless.
So the one thing, small as it may seem to us, your words of love an encouragement in a letter.
*Answers on the "What is Poverty" question come from Steve Corbett's, When Helping Hurts.